July 6, 2022

Why is Appreciation Important?

As I mentioned in my last blog, showing appreciation to employees has been deemed the most important factor in engaging employees; engaged employees are more likely to have job satisfaction and stay with their employer. 

 I found this interesting and eye-opening statistic: “79% of employees who quit cite a lack of appreciation as a key factor for leaving.”

That being the case, this statistic should speak volumes as to why people want to leave their current job. “65% of North Americans report that they received no recognition or no appreciation at their workplace in the past year.” 

Each of us wants to know what we are doing matters, and if we don’t feel valued, we start feeling like a machine or commodity. Over time this can lead to employees becoming demotivated and disengaged. Employees want to be understood, validated, appreciated, and emotionally supported. If this is lacking in their workplace, they don’t feel support and a connection to the organization and their peers. This void can lead to disengaged employees, and burnout is likely to occur. 

Additionally, when an organization doesn’t promote a supportive environment, employees will begin to complain, have less desire to perform their work, and they may start to consider other employment. On the other hand, when team members feel valued, they function better and have a greater commitment to the task, the team, and the organization. They are essentially more motivated, productive, and are more likely to perform at higher levels. 

It is important to understand that employee recognition is not the same as authentic appreciation. Employee recognition generally only touches the top 10% to 15 % of team members. That’s not enough to impact the entire team; more needs to be done to show appreciation for the majority of employees.

Also, it's not just the leader’s job to show appreciation, but it’s everyone’s responsibility. By doing so, you will create a culture where everyone appreciates and values one another.  This will help to improve the whole work culture.

In my next blog, I will discuss strategies that you can implement in your appreciation plan.

(Source: Appreciation in the workplace - Dr. Paul White) 

Coach Dale


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